Can Nonsurgical Skin Tightening Firm Sagging Neck Skin?

By: Dr. Shoib Myint


Having loose skin under the chin and on the neck can age a person by many years — often making them look older than their actual age. While neck lift surgery is a popular solution for slimming and firming the neckline, some patients understandably want to avoid the anesthesia, cost, and recovery time associated with a surgical neck enhancement. In many cases, nonsurgical skin tightening offers an appropriate and effective way to reduce saggy neck skin. Wondering whether you may be a good candidate for nonsurgical neck contouring? Keep reading to learn more from board-certified Oculo Facial Plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Shoib Myint and the experienced Las Vegas and Beverly Hills teams at Myint Oculo Facial Plastic Surgery.

How can I get rid of my turkey neck?

Some people use the terms “turkey neck” and “double chin” interchangeably, but they are actually quite different. In most cases, a turkey neck refers to loose, hanging skin below the neck, while a double chin is associated with an accumulation of stubborn fat beneath the chin. For patients whose primary concern is loose skin on the neck — or a turkey neck — nonsurgical skin tightening may offer the exciting opportunity to achieve a firmer, tighter, smoother, and slimmer overall neckline.

How does nonsurgical skin tightening help with a loose neck?

Nonsurgical skin tightening works by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin fibers to encourage a tighter, lifted look that reduces the appearance of sagginess, lines, and wrinkles. Nonsurgical skin tightening is noninvasive and does not require anesthesia, incisions, or an extended recovery period. When performed on early to mild skin laxity beneath the chin or on the neck, patients can achieve a dramatic improvement in their neckline.

Am I a candidate for nonsurgical neck contouring?

Ideal candidates for nonsurgical skin tightening on the neck should be:

  • In good health
  • Nonsmoking
  • Have early to mild lines, wrinkles, or skin laxity

Patients with pronounced skin laxity, including significantly saggy or hanging skin on the neck, may benefit most from surgical neck contouring, such as a neck lift. Neck liposuction may also be considered to address stubborn fat that gives certain patients the appearance of a double chin. During your initial consultation for a Las Vegas or Beverly Hills neck contouring procedure, Dr. Myint will closely examine your neck, evaluate your skin elasticity and specific concerns, and explain all of your surgical and nonsurgical options at length before recommending a course of action that most closely aligns with your needs, goals, lifestyle, and other variables.

How long do neck tightening results last?

The results of nonsurgical skin tightening on the neck can last for many years, but they are not considered permanent. To ensure the longest-lasting neck tightening results possible, patients should maintain a stable weight, adhere to a healthy lifestyle, abstain from smoking, and keep the skin moisturized, hydrated, and protected from the sun.

Get the sexy, striking neckline you’ve always wanted with nonsurgical skin tightening in Southern California

Patients near Las Vegas, NV, Henderson, NV, Beverly Hills, and Los Angeles, CA seeking a solution to reduce their turkey neck may be candidates for nonsurgical skin tightening. Find out whether this convenient, noninvasive treatment may be the neck tightening treatment you’ve been searching for by calling Myint Oculo Facial Plastic Surgery to schedule your consultation with board-certified and fellowship-trained Oculo Facial Plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Shoib Myint today.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.